Eazycut trimmer bench

Eazycut trimming machine on tables

Very fast trimming machine with a very good cut. Cutting material is collected in a bag.

Trimming machine for rolling tables or fixed tables

Eazycut trimming machine for roller tables - runs on the aluminum or concrete edge of the tables

We offer mobile (petrol powered) and fixed (electric powered) systems for trimming tables. The mobile system is carried by two people and is ideal for quickly trimming individual tables "anywhere" in the greenhouse. We use our EazyCut 1600 trimming machine as standard, but a Venti system with suction can also be supplied for the fixed system.

Technical data:
Dimensions: on customer request suitable for mobile table widths up to 2.5 m
Blade length: max. 1600 mm
Power: petrol two-stroke engine or new with battery electric
Weight: 14 kg EZcut 1600 frame approx. 13 kg

Eazycut Rolltische

  • Eazycut with rolling attachment
  • for mobile and rolling tables
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